Friday 15 June 2012

Mastiff (Beka Cooper 3) Review

Mastiff (Beka Cooper 3)
-       Tamora Pierce

Publisher: Random House
Beka and her friends will face their greatest and most important challenge ever when the young heir to the kingdom vanishes. They will be sent out of Corus on a trail that appears and disappears, following a twisting road throughout Tortall. It will be her greatest Hunt—if she can survive the very powerful people who do not want her to succeed in her goal.

I’ve been reading Tamora Pierce since I was 13 and I still love reading them today! Her Tortall books are ones I’ve always loved and this, the third book of the ‘prequel’ series about George Cooper’s ancestress Beka Cooper is no exception. A mature Dog, Beka Cooper works with Achoo, her scent hound and her human partner Tunstall to keep the kings law. However, after her fiancée’s funeral, Beka finds herself and her partners on a hunt like none they’ve been on before – with the fate of the whole kingdom resting on their results. Someone has kidnapped a little boy and Beka is determined to find him.

Beka Cooper is such a strong character – sure of what is right and what is wrong but realistic about the world she lives in. Confident in her abilities – and especially that of her friends, but still unable to talk in front of strangers or large crowds. She is joined by the ever loyal Achoo, scent hound extra-ordinary, Senior Partner and friend Tunstall, Lady Knight Sabine and the mysterious constellation, Pounce. There is also the introduction of mage Farmer who seems to have plenty of tricks up his sleeves... The story ranges all over Tortall with Beka’s hunting pack mingling with peasants and high born giving a great picture of what the kingdom in like and laying the foundations for how the world will be by the time we get to Alanna’s time (The Song of the Lioness series).

There are plenty of action scenes, some tense creeping through the castle and some intriguing political and a very sweet romance. The writing is so easy to fall into and get lost in the story. There are a couple of occasions which will bring tears to your eyes and make your heart break. I loved returning to Tortall and I can’t wait for another journey back there!

Recommended for fans of Rae Carson and Isobelle Carmody. 8.5 out of 10.  


  1. She works with animals... and that title! You know I want to read it. I so need to get this whole series. Sounds like great fantasy to me!

  2. I so need to read Tamora Pierce. To my shame, Mel, I haven't tried her, Rae Carson or Isobelle Carmody yet, although of course I've heard of them. Thanks for a lovely review!

  3. I really should try a book by her one day :) Yup never even read a sentence from one of her books. A shame really
